The joy of anticipation

February 22, 2014


anticipation  I’m a big fan of anticipation.  Those months, weeks, days, hours and then minutes before something fun happens.

“About to happen” is almost as much fun as “happen.”  The anticipation of biting into a juicy peach.  The frisson just before heading out on a grand vacation. Looking forward to visit from a favorite friend. Wearing a new dress that you just love.

Anticipation’s not just for kids.

I think it’s half the joy of life.

The other half?

Actually DOING it.

I love a long lead-up to something.

So, what are you anticipating right now?


29 comments on “The joy of anticipation
  1. Ryder Ziebarth says:

    An interview with Daniel Menaker author of My Mistake, and 20 year veteran of The New Yorker–Wednesday March 5th at his apartment .

  2. Karen @ Baking In A Tornado says:

    My family’s flying out for my son’s graduation. When you’re far away, no matter how often you see your family, it’s not enough.

  3. Laura Kennedy says:

    I’m anticipating the preliminary screening next week of a long-awaited documentary about hand analysis, starring *moi*! After the prelim. the filmmakers will do final tweaks, add the music, and then hold a finished screening, after which it goes off to the Toronto Film Festival.

    Ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille!

  4. Kimba says:

    Oh I’ve got a long list: the upcoming Oscars; a long list of publisher queries; two writing contest results; a family fishing trip this summer.

  5. Carol Graham says:

    I think I live in a state of anticipation — expecting to reach my next goal and thrilled with the whole process. I just returned from a speaking/book tour and it was extremely far beyond what I had dreamed or anticipated. My next one is in a couple weeks and I am more excited than ever. Thank you for asking.

  6. Nina Gaby says:

    You nailed this. I cannot make my husband understand why I don’t like suprises. Going on 30 years. So this holiday he had one of my favorite local (with an international reputation) jewelers make a piece for me. Everyone kept it a secret. My daughter and my best friend- a 24 year old gay man who ‘gets me’…and they warned him to let me design it and be excited waiting for it. He did not listen. Of course I was not wild about it. Of course the design was not perfect (opens itself up and falls off, sharp points irritate my hand) and it is symmetrical, which goes against my aesthetic. OH DEAR. But the piece of this that makes me feel like crap- my husband loves me enough to care to even do this.
    Or is he just being selfish with HIS anticipation?

    • admin says:

      Now, YOU’RE the one who nailed it! So many people project onto others their own stuff–instead of LISTENING and incorporating what you’ve TOLD them is more pleasing to you. I see this in my own relationship at times, too. I’m a “what you see is what you get” girl and always make clear what I want, and still, it surprise me when I don’t get it, I get what THEY want. go figure.

  7. I love this Carol…It’s the motto I live by! Life to me is always an adventure with lots of anticipation!

  8. Ellen Dolgen says:

    So true Carol! I have been working on my new website for months and was really feeling the anticipation – just launched this week. Would love your feedback!

  9. Debbie says:

    Anticipating something is part of the fun! Often events are over and done with too quickly, but but the lead up to an event is what makes it exciting. At the moment life is very quiet and I am not anticipating anything exciting, but I am sure that something will come up soon.

  10. So interesting that you wrote this – I feel exactly the same way. I’m always happiest when I’m either planning a trip, or planning a vacation or some fun event. The event itself is also fun, but there’s something about the planning of it, and the time leading up to it that I really love.

  11. Jennifer Steck says:

    I think Carly Simon loved anticipation as much as we do. I’m giddy with anticipation over my trip to Namibia. I can’t wait!

  12. Kathy says:

    I am anticipating my mother daughter night out next month. I am excited and in fact am planning dinner out with her. I agree that the anticipation is as much fun as the event.

  13. Great post and comments on anticipation. I’m anticipating my first presentation at Catalyst Con, a national conference about sexuality–and eagerly anticipating the closing presentation by Betty Dodson.
    Another place where anticipation is so wonderful is the whole realm of pleasure–sexual or otherwise. When I let the excitement begin to build, to think about intentionally creating or participating in something I want it heightens the experience. Thanks for this…may even have to do my own spinoff on anticipation!

  14. Diane says:

    Hmm . . . my next grandchild, coming in May. And my next book. Coming slowly!

  15. Thank you Carol, for putting words to something we all need – to always have something on the calendar (or in mind) to look forward to. It doesn’t matter how big or small. This weekend, we’ll host my daughter and her boyfriend and she and I will make a fantastic dinner. But tomorrow night, I’ll have a quiet house and two hours of Downton Abbey in front of the fire. Bliss, all of it.

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