The joy of combustible friendship

April 8, 2014


 I love a combustible friendship and I mean that in the best of ways. The igniting of exciting ideas and thoughts. The blaze of new discoveries.  Red-hot debate. I love it all in both friends and lovers.

Intense passion for ideas, people, spirituality, politics and love keeps me alive and interested in the world around me.

I’m well aware of the warning to never talk religion, politics or sex in company, but I don’t ascribe to it at all.  It sounds horribly dull. If you can’t be unrestrained with people  you love, well, what’s the fun of life?

No, let’s talk it out with enthusiasm, laughter and intensity.

Let’s set the world afire with what we learn and feel!

Don’t be kissing my ass or apologizing or thanking me.  Let’s jump from one revelation to the next with joy and excitement.

A relationship of any kind’s got to have juice.

Do you agree?


8 comments on “The joy of combustible friendship
  1. I agree Carol…that is one of the reasons I have enjoyed blogging…so many fascinating and diverse personalities. I think part of it is that we must be quick to listen as well as converse. Listening with the intent to have understanding is so important. How boring and uninspiring would it be if we were all the same!

  2. Doreen McGettigan says:

    I absolutely agree. I want to know who my online friends are offline. Especially if we have differing views because I wholeheartedly believe we have so much more in common than our differences.
    I enjoy discussion and debate on hot topics but despise talking points, uninformed comments and meanness.

  3. I agree there is nothing better than good friends that will call you on your shit while holding your hand when you need them!

  4. Totally. If we can’t disagree and still be friends…we weren’t very good friends to begin with. Bring it on, I say. God love a friend who will tell me a painful truth.

  5. Karen @BakingInATornado says:

    This is one of the reasons I’m so glad I got involved in the blogging community. I think it affords me the privilege of all different perspectives, thoughts, opinions and so much more. Although I don’t personally know many of the people I read, I consider a lot of them friends and really enjoy knowing that I’m free to say whatever’s on my mind to them in comment form and in social media.

  6. I agree Carol. I have a friend that others say is “over the top”. For some it is good…for others not. But we never are together when we don’t just explode with fun and laughter. I, personally, like that a lot. I need as much excitement in my life as I can get.

    Be well.

  7. Yes! I agree 🙂 (and I’m really tired and at a loss for words) xo

  8. Diane says:

    Passion! That’s what life needs! In all its myriad forms…

1 Pings/Trackbacks for "The joy of combustible friendship"
  1. Don't sugarcoat your writing says:

    […] truth may be different than mine. That’s okay, too. As I’ve said many times, including this post about combustible friendships, if we were all alike it would be a pretty dull […]

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