The last peaches of summer

September 17, 2011
A bite into a ripe, juicy peach is a sensual summer pleasure:
first, the pop of teeth through fuzzy skin (wasn’t it much itchier when we were kids?) ,
followed by an explosion of sweetness as fragrant flesh hits tongue
and finally, luscious, sticky nectar that drips down your chin.

Peach season is coming to an end, and so is summer,
the most sensual of seasons.

Another spell of warm weather’s coming,
but the days are already shorter
I’ll be glad to feel the sharp cool of fall
against my face and to see the leaves change color again.

Fall is the most romantic season,
at least to me, right out of a Ralph Lauren September magazine ad.
Leather boots and plaid wool, long walks in a carpet of crunchy leaves,
fuzzy gloves and caps. Comforters come out of storage
and logs go into the fireplace.

Savor the last peaches of summer,
because fall is coming soon
to northern California.

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