The last word. Or, bark. As it were.

November 15, 2010

Bark! Bark! Bark! (Riley barking at his reflection in mirror)

“Riley, no bark!”

He turns his head, stares at me a few seconds.

“Riley, come!”He turns back to the mirror, gives one last defiant bark, turns back to me and obeys.

3 comments on “The last word. Or, bark. As it were.
  1. Anonymous says:

    Cute! I like how you had him standing in the mirror yet laying down in the first part.

    You need to call his segment “The Life Of Riley.” 🙂 In the day that was the name of a Radio or Television show.


  2. Ruth D~ says:

    Cute story. So dog-like, although I admit to liking the last word sometimes, too. :>)

  3. Oh, I love the last word, too! I guess Ri takes after his mom… ;-)))

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