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I always wonder how some people are so future looking and some people are so past looking. I do believe in the truth of it, that truth and love win. I have to believe that in order to face each day.
Optimism’s a good thing, Shel!
Truth and love have been winning. Overall there is less violence in modern life than there was in the past.
I hope that’s true. It just seems to be so pervasive….
Wonderful quote to start my Sunday. I awoke to dark rainy weather, and that quote brought in the light. Well-done.
I believe this to be more of a ‘goal’, a destination, a marker with humanity. And , yes, very personal, but sadly not the way the world works. One of the problems is that where one tyrant falls another replaces him.
Tyrants can never succeed long term as all things contain within them the seed of their own destruction.By long term I am meaning over hundreds of years.Many empires rise and fall,others adapt,change their name and become religions or other institutions.