The Pace of the Day

April 30, 2009

The day didn’t start as anticipated, but I’m enjoying the pace.

My meeting was cancelled, so I started at my desk at 8 a.m. A former client called, to see if I was still in the business and if I’d do some work for them. Alas, my non-compete prevents it, but I really love the work I’m doing now so I wasn’t even tempted.

After doing some emailing and writing for the business, I took a 30 minute break to grocery shop. The store was virtually empty at 10:30 a.m. and what a pleasure it was to shop there. Wandering around slowly, looking at produce, and not worrying about navigating among a zillion other people pushing carts.

Last fall, I thought I’d be in California when this store opened. But there I was, happily, leisurely pushing my cart down empty aisles. And it’s almost May.

Where does time go? At this age, when savoring every moment is so important, it seems to fly by.

It’s nice to have a slower pace to my day now. To not have every minute filled up with activities, work, writing, teaching, playing. To have time to consider what has come before and what lies ahead.

Not everything is going smoothly. I anticipate some changes in the business soon. Nothing to impact what I’m doing in a huge way. Just working out the startup bugs.

But overall, the trend is positive.

In the old days, work and other activities consumed every waking moment. No time to really think. Act…react…almost kneejerk.

The pace of the day. Just the time to think about it is a luxury.

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