Unfulfilled promise

April 2, 2016
I want to know what became of the changes
we waited for love to bring.
-Jackson Browne/The Pretender

“I want to know what became of the changes we waited for love to bring.”

Is there really another question for us Baby Boomers?  I think this is the only one.

6 comments on “Unfulfilled promise
  1. Pat says:

    Love your new look, Carol.

  2. Love this and have always loved Jackson Brown. Such an interesting question to ponder.

  3. You’ve redecorated! It looks beautiful! What a thought provoking quote. I think any changes we make are up to us when it comes to love or life.

  4. Leanne says:

    oh man….I feel melancholic just reading that!

  5. Annette says:

    There is love, and then there’s Love. I think Love in the form of compassion and empathy is still extremely critical and can work wonders in the world today. And there are many other interests that cancel it out and take over, destroying almost everything in its path. In that age-old Good over Evil fight, love is still a key component, and sometimes it has to be fierce. To me, all the positive attributes we bring to humanity, no matter what we label them are a form of love.

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