The promise of rebirth, renewal, reinvention

April 6, 2011

A few days of super-warm weather and trees that were barren last week are already clad in their spring green.

This is a lovely, almost canopied road I travel often. Last fall, the leaves were dramatic reds, golds, oranges that shed to a multi-hued carpet as winter approached.

Then, stark outline of bare branches against grey sky marked what seemed like a long winter. But, today, I noticed how green the trees had turned in just a few days of hot sun.

Spring. The season of rebirth, renewal and an opportunity to reinvent ourselves once more.

Like nature, spring tells us there’s always another chance. Sometimes, it’s hard to see that when things look grey and dismal. But after a little sunshine, sprouts appear, and with Mother Nature’s nurturing, we know there are big, shiny, green leaves to come.

It’s hard for many of us to believe that we can renew ourselves and our lives. Sometimes, we stay in the dark shadow of winter, holding on to ways that have never served us and do not serve us now.

Sometimes, we’ve dug ourselves a pit so deep we can’t see the sunshine and the promise of rebirth.

But it’s still there. All we have to do is dig ourselves out. One shovel-full at a time. They don’t call it “spring cleaning” for nothing.

Jettison something that no longer serves you. Whether it’s a closet full of old clothes, excess weight, clutter, boxes of things you never use or even a bad relationship.

Fix something that’s broken: a friendship, a piece of furniture, your health–anything, really.

Address something you’ve been avoiding–take care of unfinished business. Have you been meaning to quit smoking? Apologize? Repair your credit rating? Go to therapy? Do one of those things this spring.

Spring is the perfect time to take the first step toward reinvention. And then another.

Why not take the first?

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