The quiet of pre-dawn

January 21, 2012
I’ve always loved the quiet hours before dawn,
when the entire world is still sleeping.

Except for me.

The houses around me are dark.
Not a sound outside: no traffic, not even birds.
Even Riley’s snug in his bed.

Life is in repose.

Wrapped in a thick robe, I’m cozy in my house.
One lamp lights the room and a lit candle
sends out the scent of fresh-cut apples.

A good time to read. Write. Or just sit.

Then, slowly, as the sun comes up,
the world comes to life.
The slap of newspaper deliveries hitting pavement.
The beep-beep of car remotes unlocking.
Garage doors open and ignitions start.

The click of the coffeemaker marks the start of my day.

The world catching up with me is almost a disappointment;
I’m sorry to lose the peace and quiet.

But then, I remember: dawn will come again tomorrow.

2 comments on “The quiet of pre-dawn
  1. Care says:

    Pastor, scholar, author, and poet, Eugene Peterson, speaks of eventide as the time when men take their hands off God’s world. Sweet slumber replaces frenetic activity. A time to trust.

  2. Love the concept of men taking their hands off God’s world. Nice, Care.

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