The regal Puddin’

December 30, 2009

Our beautiful chow, Puddin’, passed away unexpectedly this morning.

We were saddened and shocked to get a call from our wonderful kennel; the owner had already reached our vet, who believes Puddin’ had apparently had a heart attack in her sleep this morning. She was only six years old.

Puddin’ was a total love. She was a discerning watchdog. And had become Riley’s protector and best friend.

If it had to be her time, we are glad she did not suffer. But we are grieved beyond measure. It’s hard to take this news in, it was so unexpcted.

Her absence leaves a hole in our hearts. And Riley has lost his companion.

2 comments on “The regal Puddin’
  1. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    Carol, she was so young for this. When I read it I suppose I just assumed she was a bit older, but that’s terribly young. GAH! Awful. At least she did not suffer, what a lovely doggie she was. I am so sorry.

  2. Sasha says:

    Oh I am so sorry to hear this news. I have kitties and have lost two in the past 4 years, the loss of a beloved animal is always immeasurably sad. My thoughts are with you.

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