The sacred and the profane

October 4, 2013
Medicine Buddha

Medicine Buddha

Girlfriend and I had a lovely afternoon of lunch and a visit to The Ark, a Santa Fe new age shop. We both bought tiny Buddhas, me, the Medicine Buddha pictured above and she, a tiny little Buddha coin she slipped in her pocket.

Later, during coffee and a spirited political discussion with me and my hubby, she let out a few choice cuss words.

“Sorry about that,” she apologized. “I have a filthy mouth… but a Buddha in my pocket.”

Doesn’t that just sum up life? We try our best and yet, we’re imperfect beings, each of us a mix of the sacred and the profane.

I loved the comment and think it would be a great book title.

2 comments on “The sacred and the profane
  1. Barbara says:

    hahaha – a Buddha in my pocket! Great title, indeed.

    My sisters and I just spent a few days in Palm Springs at a zen boutique hotel. While there, getting all enlightened and relaxed, we came up with an alternative use for Namaste greeting (okay, maybe after a couple too many vodka tonics) and okay, I can’t in good taste repeat it here – but we have our own understanding of its usage. So we mean well and we know well – but there are some times and some people…..

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