The solarium

May 10, 2009

I had to look it up.

Solarium: a glass-enclosed room, porch, or the like, exposed to the sun’s rays, as at a seaside hotel.

FLH & I are looking at a house in San Francisco that has a solarium. And a big one at that. There it is.

The house also has a killer view of the ocean, 4 bedrooms, a living room, an office, a family room, two fireplaces and a little upstairs patio.

He fell in love with the house, which looks like an old-Hollywood estate, and especially loves the ocean view.

But it was the solarium that got me going.

I’ve never known anyone who has a solarium in their home. We spent at least an hour talking about what we’d do with it.

Just the idea of having a solarium made me laugh with glee.

Who’d have thunk that it would even be a possibility?

I love this man for so many reasons. I love his strong sense of self. Of what he likes and doesn’t like.

But I also love that he’s the kind of guy that can talk about a solarium for an hour.

One comment on “The solarium
  1. TJ says:

    Any man that would talk for an hour is a keeper!

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