The stories we tell ourselves

February 27, 2012

To a great degree, we are the stories we tell ourselves
what we’re conditioned to believe.

And we do it to ourselves.

Because we’re adults and way too old
to blame anyone else.

How many times have you said the words
“I can’t help it…that’s just the way I am.”

or justified something with
“Well, you know how I am.”

I can assure you, yes, we know how you are acting.
But you can change how you are any time you like.

“I am an….” can be finished in many different ways.
Too often, we end that sentence with something negative
that’s either outdated
or something we stubbornly hang on to
long after it’s no longer useful.
If it ever was.

Yes, change can be hard.
But it also can mean growth.
Something we all should be doing.

What story are you telling yourself
about your life
that is no longer true?

2 comments on “The stories we tell ourselves
  1. Kelly says:

    OMG Carol!! ON A MONDAY!!! damnit. I really was not prepared to have to explore myself. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself and blaming others for it. *heavy sigh*

    I will think about it, begrudgingly, and comment later.

    great post. <3 you.

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