The writer’s life: small steps

January 9, 2010

(this is a repost, I posted the wrong version earlier)

A fresh, new year.

A year to write. In between taking care of M and the pets, of course.

But writers are expert procrastinators. So here’s what I’ve done to make sure I actually write.

I’ve signed up with a writing coach for a monthly writing group designed to keep writers on track with their projects. We have a monthly teleclass (she is in the UK, the 14 writers in this group are all over the world) as well as a blog and other calls and correspondence. All meant to keep us on our writing goals for 2010. I can already see the value in it.

I’ve signed up for a several-day writers workshop in San Francisco.
I will meet agents and well-known authors, and there are excellent workshops on writing and getting published. The workshop is run by a San Francisco agent who looked at my work a decade ago and commented, “Well, it’s clear you can write…” (Whew! When you spend your entire career as a professional writer, it’s always good to have an agent say you can do it. )

After that, I’ll rejoin the Internet Writing Workshop, the excellent writing group I’ve belonged to in the past.
We’re required to submit our own writing and critique that of others in this group. Four a month. It’s been a real boon to my productivity in the past.

Remembering that every journey begins with a single step.

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