There’s a saint for everything, even procrastination

November 12, 2013

st expeditus

Ok, I’m sure he’s not the real deal.

But wouldn’t it be nice if there was someone who could intervene and push us to do those things we keep putting off?

Procrastination is one of my biggest flaws. Maybe the biggest.

I need help! And it looks like St. Expiditus isn’t going to be able to do much.

So today, I’m asking for your tips and tricks –the things you do to inspire you to stop putting things off. If you’ve got ideas, please post them below.

And if you do?  Thanks. I so appreciate it!

I’m in India and will be interspersing posts from here with posts I’ve pre-loaded, while doing my best to stay in the experience of my trip and not make it all about the blog. But I have so much coming from India, you won’t believe it!

3 comments on “There’s a saint for everything, even procrastination
  1. I not only have a procrastination problem, I have a perendination problem: I put off things until never.

    But…I do have a couple of really good “audiobooks” (they’re more like seminars, really) about procrastination that I listen to when I need a kick in the butt.

    The technique that helps me most was described by one of these audio programs as the “Salami Method.” You can’t eat a WHOLE salami all at once. So you cut it into slices and eat those.

    For procrastination: Do the task for five minutes. Use a timer. PROMISE yourself that at the end of that five minutes, you will make a decision: five MORE minutes, or stop. And then do it. And keep doing it.

    You’d be surprised how well it works. The very first time I walked on a treadmill for over an hour, I did it in five-minute chunks with a decision point at the end: continue or stop? And each time I continued, I set the timer for five more minutes.

    It worked for me, anyway. Of course, some things don’t really divide up that way. So maybe others will have suggestions for that stuff. 🙂

  2. The only thing that works for me is to put it in my calendar. As in: WRITE IT DOWN on a PAPER CALENDAR. Then it’ll happen.

    Otherwise? Not so much.

  3. Amy Blitcok says:

    One of my favorite sayings is: “Don’t wait, procrastinate now!” When it comes to avoiding procrastination, I am afraid I don’t have and sound advice. I work best under pressure, so I rarely even try and avoid procrastination. I accept it as part of the creative process and embrace my tendency to put off deadlines.

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