There’s a story

August 30, 2009

Last year one of the young staffers in my office at the time caught sight of an old Selectric in a corner, and asked, “What’s that?”

There’s a whole generation now that has no idea what a typewriter is.

I first started typing on an old Royal typewriter like this. Remember erasable bond? Correct-type? White-Out? How much easier the DEL key is today.

M and I have been talking about our move to California. At a very detailed level. Our target date is after our post-wedding celebration in January.

And in the discussion, I’ve realized how much I sabotage my writing time by continuing to agree to teach.

I love teaching college. No doubt. But I have a memoir to write. There’s a story in what’s happened, our reconciliation after 30 years apart, and I’ve made a big decision that I won’t teach anything, won’t even go after a teaching gig in January.

Instead, I’ll start the memoir. I’ll go back to my writing workshop. And I’ll write.

That’s all I am going to do.

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