Through the blinds

August 7, 2015

2015-07-21 19.19.54
How about a little peek through the blinds today at some of the things that are making me laugh…or think. Come along!

2015-08-05 17.59.58My favorite, in the latest issue of the New Yorker.   It was bound to happen, right? “It’s a pluot–an apricot that self-identifies as a plum.” Uh huh.

10629731_569944066443864_31318276593819029_nOr geometry.

1610954_770723563032579_506944697071291333_nThere’s more truth to this than maybe we want to admit.

11751842_10153365449592906_481621367625765171_nFortunately, that won’t happen to me.

1012424_401145489989755_1272307498_nLet’s see. Donald Trump. Sarah Palin.  I could nominate so many  more.
10408859_10152334650618458_4445939595978589379_nI’m all for owning my own stuff, but this really IS true.

truthI see this happening all around me.

10298901_873084936117895_1086916690559878689_nWhen I saw this I was staggered by its truth.

gunsThat’s why.

And here, a thoughtful piece about the recent movie theatre shooting and women’s voices, aimed at Amy Schumer written by a Millenial woman whose mother survived the Sandy Hook shootings. All Boomers will get this, by the way.

love peaceAnd this, too.

bodyYou know I believe this.


You don’t want to miss this, by a dad who died young and left letters for every milestone in his son’s life. It is by far the most beautiful piece I’ve read in a long time. If you read only one link on this page, read that one. It’s a heart piece that makes us think.

And then:

Got some thoughts? Agree? Disagree? You know the drill and that all thoughts are welcomed here in the “No Troll Allowed” zone.

20 comments on “Through the blinds
  1. Lux says:

    Hahaha. I laughed so hard on that Algebra. 🙂

  2. Nice roundup, Carol. I especially like the one about the first step toward forgiveness…some people just can’t help themselves.

    Happy weekend!

  3. Carolann says:

    Loved the algebra one lol. They are all brilliant!

  4. hillsmom says:

    About heaven…where are the cats?

  5. So fun Carol. Thanks for the laughs!

  6. Carol Graham says:

    Thank you for sharing the link to the father’s story of letters to his son. It was so touching

  7. Oh, I so hope heaven is full of dogs! And I’m going to post one of your sayings…they are all great! Thanks for the peek!

  8. Helene Cohen Bludman says:

    They’re all great, but the algebra one has my name all over it. ????

  9. Yes, yes, yes, yes! And I totally believe that’s what heaven looks like 🙂

  10. Sandy Nelson says:

    What a wonderful piece for me to read before lights out. Great post Carol. You know you’re audience well!

  11. Aishwarya S says:

    Those are some really great quotes! Loved this! 🙂

  12. Diane says:

    Really enjoyed the quotes! Picked one or two favourites. Then I read the Life Tips article and cried for an hour! Re-posted. Still crying…

  13. I am still weeping as I leave this comment – thank you for the link to those letters Dad left that blogger. So very poignant, true and beautiful.

  14. sacha says:

    This is a good one. I got some lol thanks.

  15. Lana says:

    I second what Diane said – some great stuff here. And I’m still in tears over the last link. So beautiful.

  16. I love all of these memes—-especially the one with the “fat happy” women!!

  17. The one about Sandy Hook was so terribly true. When are people going to wake up and realize it’s the NRA who is in charge of Congress. It makes me sick. I’m going back to take a look at quite a few of the links.

  18. Amy says:

    Thanks Carol. So many good ones, I can’t choose! We are not just a body, Stop making stupid people famous, George Orwell…on and on. Have a good day!

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