Don’t let the world make you hard

January 14, 2014

 We think a lot about the joys of life and sometimes the sadness. But we try to avoid the hard stuff.

Bad stuff happens. Wish it didn’t, but it does. And it’s easy to get bitter.  I know plenty of people who have reason to harden their hearts.

Plenty of reason.

It can be hard to retain your innocence, your sweetness in the face of the bad stuff.

And yet.

Crescent moon

Moon outside my kitchen window

The other morning I looked out my kitchen window in the pre-dawn darkness and saw a crescent moon, hanging bright in the dark and it struck me that the Universe is so big and we are such a small part of it.

Everything that happens to us is part of a larger plan, I believe, every little pain and pleasure.

And while it’s tempting to harden our hearts against the pain of life, not-feeling would require us to miss the pleasure, too.

Living a full life takes a certain softness, even in the face of adversity.

I’m not sure any of this makes sense, but that’s what I thought about while looking at the moon the other morning.


11 comments on “Don’t let the world make you hard
  1. Carla says:

    Great post. I believe this with all my heart. There is a much bigger plan in play, sometimes we don’t see it for days, months, years, but it is there.

  2. DarleneMAM says:

    I agree that living a full life does take softness, but we also have to be tough enough to get through the hard stuff. Balance is important. It’s how we learn to appreciate the good and endure the tough.

  3. So true. Thanks for reminding us Carol!

  4. What a great post & really needed it – thank you!

  5. Hi Carol….I so agree that we must never let our heart harden no matter what! And I too am proud that after all that I have been through I still know that the world is a beautiful place. Thanks for these reminders. ~Kathy

  6. pia says:

    I know all about the bad stuff but the day I harden my heart will be the day I die. it’s that simple to me!

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