This & more

November 13, 2010

Enjoy your life as it is.

A friend of mine said that to me once and it’s profoundly simple.

For so many of us raised on striving and achieving, the grass is always greener on the other side. We want what we have…and….more. Or different.

But the fact is, when we consider our family, relationship, work and the place we live, most of us are damn lucky.

Many people don’t have a roof over their heads, a job, three square meals.

Striving for more or different is a big waste of time, if it prevents us from enjoying all that we have now.

I’ve been pretty guilty of this in my life, having never made a life-long commitment to anything until now. Living always in the future; looking for what’s around the next corner.

It’s different now.

So, for what we have, a multitude of gratitude is in order.

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