Thoughtful consideration

June 2, 2009

I’ve been giving some thoughtful consideration to FLH’s idea that I simply teach adjunct. In place of my workshop business.

I was pretty well floored when he suggested it. (I love that about him.) And the fact that he did says a lot about who he is. And how lucky I am.

So here’s what I decided.

I’m going to teach this summer at UT. And that’s all I’m going to do.

Except for: getting married, helping find us a house in California, packing up yet again, emptying the Tampa storage unit, moving us, moving contents of the PG storage unit to our new home, renting both places, getting everyone acclimated, planning our party, going to Italy…get the picture?

I’m also going to start sending out my CV to colleges in the South Bay, for January. And see what happens.

Once we’re settled in California, FLH and I will know if it’s the right thing for me to re-start the business. Or not.

Because once FLH and I are in California, he will no longer be working anything near full time. We will have a complement of pets to take care of. And our love of travel to consider.

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