Thoughts at 2am

July 15, 2009

Scenario #1:

Eyes open, I see FLH in bed next to me.

“Wow,” I say. “What a dream I had! I dreamed we got divorced, I moved to California and back to Florida, and 30 years passed.”

“Go back to sleep,” he says. “It was just a dream.”

Scenario #2:

I awaken in Pacific Grove. I can hear the faint roar of the ocean a few blocks away.

“That dream was vivid,” I think. “I dreamed I got back together with M, after 30 years apart.”

I turn over.

“Ah, that could never happen,” I say, as I go back to sleep.

What really happened this morning:

I awakened in Tampa, FLH beside me, Riley in bed with us and Puddin’ sleeping by the doorway.

“Holy crap!” I thought. ” M and I are getting remarried today! After 30 years apart!”

3 comments on “Thoughts at 2am
  1. Alan says:

    Congratulations! Post the pics at a later date.

  2. Thanks, Alan~! Stay cool, I hear it’s been brutal.

  3. Susan says:

    Congratulations! I am so excited for you and your hubbie. Hope your day is wonderful.

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