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None of the things you just wrote about. That is so sad. 🙁
I live my life out loud an proud! I flew in helicopters shooting video from them (no one survives a helicopter crash)I went to Cuba as an illegal journalist to cover rafters leaving (can you say prison time baby) I video taped in a riot you name it. I am not afraid of anyone or anything I am pretty fearless!
I would tell children to be smart…to keep their eyes open but not to stop living their lives. I would teach them to be resourceful and aware, how to live in a jungle like I did for a month in an Army tent. 🙂 I would show them how fun and beautiful and truly amazing the planet is and almost ALL of the people in it. Then I would let them live their lives…the same way our parents let us live ours. I would do the paying attention and worrying for them I would NOT teach them to be fearful of EVERYTHING. 🙁