Tic tac toe, life’s truths and potpourri

December 5, 2012
I loved this table I found in the lobby of
my San Diego area hotel a few weeks ago. 
Does anyone really lose that game? 
I mean, once you know the strategy, 
every game becomes a draw, right?
I’ll bet you’re not doing much of this during the holidays, right? 
But January’s just around the corner and so are some good deals for massage 
and other indulgent services. 
Because January is a very slow month. (Except at gyms.) 
I’m going to start the new year right with a visit to
my nearby spa to take advantage of the great January deals.

Isn’t it fun when folks find creative ways
to say NO PARKING?

I love the Life is Good product line. 
We could all use a little optimism.

A better caption for me might be
old enough to know better and to not give a rat’s ass. 

Isn’t she someone  you’d like to know?

Sometimes you just have to buy something
a little extravagant
just for its aesthetics.
Like the bag with this beaded design
that I bought earlier in the year.


You realize that, right?

Ok, so: 
I wasn’t so sure M’s mother liked me. 
I think she liked the idea of me, though.

 One of life’s great truisms.

5 comments on “Tic tac toe, life’s truths and potpourri
  1. Love all these little truths, especially the vintage ones. Why is it funnier when someone from the 50s says it versus someone 50 saying it?

  2. Grace Hodgin says:

    I enjoyed all your truths and wisdom in today’s post. I’m glad I came by to read them.

  3. Love this, especially the one a out the nail polish. 🙂

  4. Jennifer Comet Wagner says:

    I love these type of posts. I should try doing one sometime.

  5. I’m still laughing…. Yes, I can still pull the trigger, even with wet nails.

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