Are things tickety-boo these days?

June 5, 2022


adjective (BRITISH)

  1. in good order; fine.
    “everything is tickety-boo”

    Actually, no. Things are not tickety-boo right now, are they?

    Elephant in the room

    Let’s start with gun violence. My Facebook feed has been full of ways we can work toward ending or at least diminishing some of these horrible killings. If you haven’t seen that, then here are some things you can do right from home:

    Text ACT  to 644-33 and Every Town for Gun Safety will be in touch with things you can do. If you’re a mom or grandmom you should know about and participate in Moms Demand Action. Yes, a live link there. And there’s a lot else you can do, such as connect with groups like Airlink, Swing Left and others. We can’t afford for another child to be killed.

    Common sense lacking in more than gun laws.

    If I had a buck for every time I saw someone say they are “vaccinated and masked” as they gather in groups, get on planes, go on vacation, exercise at prime gym time and do a zillion other things, pretending everything is fine now, I would be rich indeed. (A buck because, well, inflation.)

    Here’s what we know:

    Masks are not 100% protection. No, not even N95s. And especially not N95s that haven’t been specifically fitted to your face.

    Vaccination is not 100% protection. Breakthrough infections have happened. Vaccinated people have died from Covid. Not as many as unvaxxed, but it has happened.

    If I had $10 for everyone who said “I’m vaccinated and masked and I’ll take my chances” I’d have enough for a car, maybe. I am all well and good with you taking your own chances–sure, let the chips fall where they may for you–but you are also taking chances with everyone you come in contact with. That’s just plain wrong.

    I know we’ve tired of it. Doesn’t change the facts. We are still very much in the grips of a pandemic. There is a ridiculous anti-vax movement and an even MORE ridiculous anti-mask movement. There is no fixing this kind of stupid.

    Just as there’s no fixing the stupidity of people who think AR-15s should be sold to  the public.

    No. Everything is NOT tickety-boo.


    We can act. We can use our own good common sense. We can protect others by masking and taking better care in crowds.

    We can call, text, email lawmakers about the need for common sense gun laws from the comfort of our own homes, and we can march.

    I implore you to do something. Take action. Participate.


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