
February 19, 2009

A long day at the condo with another yet to go. I’m really tired and want nothing more than to curl up in bed. But instead, I’m reading the Valentine’s Day posts at www. postsecrets.com, one of my favorite websites.

It’s an interesting project that includes a website and 3-4 books. The organizer collects postcards that people send in. The cards actually hold a sentence or two that is their deepest secret. Some are heartwarming. Some area heartrending. Select secrets go up on the site every Sunday. My guilty pleasure is reading the secrets on the site and one day, when I feel flush, I’ll buy all his books.

Is it only a few days since Valentine’s Day? The secrets up right now are all Valentine secrets.
And the photos above are a few of the ones I liked best tonight.

Re: #1: Sometimes, you get to find out. How cool is THAT?
Re: #2: The photos’ kind of funky but the idea is so sweet.
Re: #3: Yeah, I know that fun moment of truth.
Re: #4: Yeah, I REALLY know that feeling. And sometimes, it’s true.

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