Today’s yummy breakfast smoothie

June 21, 2012

We’ve been trying to eat more healthfully these days, and breakfast smoothies are a filling, delicious way to get some good nutrition.

Here’s today’s breakfast smoothie:

A heaping tablespoon of almond butter. For protein. I find almond butter hard to spread, but its so much better for us that peanut butter. Why not add it to a smoothie?

1/4 cup nonfat Greek yogurt. Good for you and gives the drink a nice consistency.

One almost too-ripe banana.

One peach: sweet and fresh if you have them, canned “light” if you don’t. If you are a strict adherent to healthy eating, you’ll cringe at the idea of canned.

Two handfuls of fresh spinach. Trust me, it has no taste in the smoothie. I don’t particularly like spinach, so this is the perfect way to get a daily dose. I’m told that kale also disappears in a smoothie. I’ll let you know.

About 8 ounces of Fusion juice. Not the best choice for health food junkies, but it does have some redeeming properties and it tastes good. M. doesn’t like vegetables that much and it does provide a serving of veggies.

Ice cubes

Blend it up. No juicer needed.

Makes about two 8 oz.servings. The fruit hits your palate first, then there’s a nutty aftertaste from the almond butter. Delicious.  Got a smoothie recipe of your own to share?

3 comments on “Today’s yummy breakfast smoothie
  1. Mary Ellen says:

    I believe in getting as much green in my diet as possible without grazing like cow. Smoothies can reduce the equivalent of a salad to a refreshing beverage.

    This yummy green smoothie recipe comes from Sarma Melngailis. Sarma is the author of two raw food “cook” books: Raw Food Real World: 100 Recipes to Get the Glow and Living Raw Food: Get the Glow With More Recipes from Pure Food and Wine.

    Sarma’s Cilantro Shake:

    Pink grapefruit (this is what really makes it tasty)
    Agave nectar or stevia
    Vanilla extract
    Big pinch of cinnamon
    Pinch of salt
    In a blender throw in a pink peeled grapefruit, peeled cucumber, lots and lots of cilantro – about half a bunch, lime, some pineapple chunks, agave nectar or stevia, vanilla extract, cinnamon and salt.

    If you like a creamier smoothie, add avocado. If it tastes too green, add more fruit or stevia.

  2. Courtney says:

    Smoothies are the best! This sounds lovely.

  3. With many of my favorite ingredients, who can resist this tasty delight? We’re so glad you shared this healthy and delicious breakfast smoothie recipe on the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I’m Pinning and sharing!

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