Too busy for themselves

May 9, 2012

We all know people who are way too
Too busy taking kids to every single one of their games,
lessons & practices to take an occasional afternoon off 
for a coffee with friends.
Too indispensable at work to take a vacation. 
Too busy with errands and chores for a phone call. 
Too scheduled to go to the gym. Or have a facial.
Too busy for a girls’ weekend.
What they mean is they are too busy for themselves.
We might remind ourselves of these words
that have never been heard on a death bed:
I should have spent more time at work.
I wish I’d vacuumed more.
Why didn’t I scrub those bathrooms more often?

Too many facials, too many massages,
too many outings with friends: 
I took way too much time for myself.

It’s as if we –and our needs–aren’t very important.

Later in life that realization can be a rude awakening.

 I first saw this Brian Andreas print years ago
and it changed my life:
Everything changed
the day she figured out
there was exactly enough time
for the important things in her life.

Are you important enough to yourself?
Are you making enough time for yourself?

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