Too many lives for this life

September 21, 2011

It’s a good thing I believe in reincarnation, because there are still so many more things I want to do –more than there is time for.

I want to live for a while in a villa in the Italian countryside, among olive trees, figs and peaches. A shaded patio with a large table, a woodburning stove and a view of hills, dogs at my feet. (Quiet dogs.) Great books and the time to read them.

I want to wake up every morning in San Francisco, walking out into its kinetic calm in a turtleneck and boots. And it’s SUMMER.

I want to make the strongest, most aromatic coffee in the world in my small cottage on the beach with a woodburning fireplace, and stroll the beach cupping a hot mug of it in my hands.

I want to live in the green Irish countryside and wear drab rubber boots to walk in the mist in the company of a big, loping dog. My rough-hewn stick would secure my footing in the wet grass and I’d stop every so often to sit on a low stone wall and feel the damp air on my skin.

It’s a shock when I realize that I can’t do all of this. That I’m in the last third of my life, if I’m lucky. My dreams can stay intact, but my plans need a few modifications. Because there are times when reality bites. Just a tiny nibble, because I know I’ve been a lucky girl, but still, I feel its sharp little teeth digging into my skin.

I highly recommend reincarnation.

2 comments on “Too many lives for this life
  1. Anonymous says:

    There is a huge difference between wants and needs. I want nothing or need nothing. Anything I get is icing on the cake. There is no guarantee that we are coming back. The Gratitude prayer works for me!


  2. Kristin says:

    Seems like a few of those dreams could be realized. Knock them off, one at a time. You mention dogs many times…a loyal creature for sure.

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