
March 11, 2016

trans-selfishAre we over our romance with trans- people?

I got to know my first trans- person in 1990, so you’ll pardon me if I yawn through the gossip sites that cover every outfit Caitlyn Jenner wears or every breathless review of the Amazon-produced TV show, Transparent.

That’s not to say that I don’t love the show, because I do. My husband and I were riveted to both seasons, binge-watching as much of them as possible before we absolutely had to go to sleep. And M. is not a binge-watching kind of guy.

Our fascination with the show had nothing to do with the trans-topic.

Nor did it involve the excellent acting.

It had to  do with the utter selfishness of every single character on the show.

Every single one of them.

It’s like watching a car-wreck. You know you shouldn’t be so fascinated with the accident scene, but you can’t take your eyes off it.

What we loved about this show was that the trans-topic was pretty trans-parent.

These could be any people in LA. Anyone.

Because selfishness and self-centered behavior cross all lines. Especially in LA.

As it turns out, trans-people are as trans-selfish as any other kind of people.

Fancy that!

Transparent has been renewed for a third season. The shows should drop some time this year.

We can’t wait.

Because there’s no substitute for good TV writing. Just ask Shonda Rhimes.

20 comments on “Trans-selfish
  1. Roz Warren says:

    Interesting take. The selfishness of ALL of the characters is why I never took to Seinfeld, although I LOVE his stand-up.

  2. I love watching a well written and well acted character. I haven’t seen this show, it does sound binge worthy.
    Embarrassed to say I have never watched an episode of Seinfeld. There must have been something else on at the same time back then:)

  3. Nancy Hill says:

    I grew up on a chicken farm. LA isn’t for me. Me, I live in Tucson, where every other person is a writer, some for TV. Selfish is the new black.

  4. Kim Tackett says:

    I loved Transparent too, but will have a hard time watching a third season of people behaving so badly (though I seem to have made it through four seasons of House of Cards). I used to make the same complaint (selfishness) when my daughters watched Friends!

  5. I’m going to have to finally start watching this. I need a month of doing nothing to catch up with TV!

  6. You know, I don’t follow any of that celebrity stuff, so I have no idea what Caitlyn is up to. Haven’t seen transparent, but I always say I’m going to watch it. So now I will!

  7. andrea says:

    i didn’t have a trans-romance to get over in the first place – i’ve been keepin it straight my whole life 🙂

  8. Now I have another reason why living in Australia is great – I’ve never heard of Transparent and I think that might be a good thing! Self-centredness is worldwide though so not missing anything there!

  9. Jonathan Key says:

    I’d not heard of Transparent before. May have to at least give it a try. Although between The Arrow, The Walking Dead, The Flash, and watching re-runs of The Office we have plenty to choose from.

  10. Haven’t heard of it, Carol. But wondering if I will have the patience with people acting out. We have an Indian version of Big Brother here, called Big Boss and it’s absolutely idiotic. I watched a couple of episodes back when we had television and perhaps that’s one reason why I realized I could do without television!

  11. See I couldn’t watch a show like that. Not because of the topic, but the selfishness of the people would make me so unbelievably angry. Like Roz commented above I couldn’t do Seinfeld for this exact reason.

  12. RaNesha says:

    Wow I love Seinfeld, but never seen it from this point of view. You have great insight.

  13. Tara says:

    I have never seen or even heard of this show! I am a big fan of binge watching on Hulu and Netflix. Sometimes I am drawn to things that have a train-wreck effect like you were saying, but eventually I am ready to be done with the drama!

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