
February 13, 2011

This would have been our third year in northwestern Italy, staying at the charming Baur B&B in Acqui Terme.

But we decided instead to take a cruise this May that included Egypt and Israel, two important bucket list entries. Of course, Egypt is impossible, now, and the cruise line is almost certainly going to change the itinerary, making the two weeks less interesting to us. So we got our full refund and had to scramble to figure out what else to do.

Frankly, nothing sounded good. As much as we love Acqui, it’s off the beaten path and this year we really just wanted to coast, if you know what I mean. We wanted to land and not have to think.

We could have gone back to favorites like London or Rome. Easy to get to, easy to get around in. But we didn’t feel like it. In fact, everything we tried on failed to fit.

So, we decided to stay on this side of “the Pond,” as they say.

We rented a gorgeous loft in North Beach, the historically Italian and ‘beatnik’ part of of San Francisco. We’ll spend a week “living” there and enjoying everything our favorite city has to offer. June can be a lovely month. But even if it isn’t, we know the city well enough to be able to go about our lives easily. And I have three or four friends I will see up there.

We also booked a rail trip through the Canadian Rockies, a trip that’s supposed to be spectacular. It’s nine days overall, but only three on the train and no train overnights. A few days in Vancouver, then on the train through the mountains. We’ll drive ourselves from Jasper to Lake Louise and Banff and then return home from Calgary. Late September could mean gorgeous fall colors. And a girlfriend is thinking about also joining this trip.

I’m meeting a Tampa BFF at a blogger conference in San Diego for a weekend. I’m staying longer and hope she does, too.

We’ll do an overnight here and there around the Bay area, probably the wine country, mostly, as it’s easy to get to and fun.

And we may do a holiday trip to the East coast, who knows.

One comment on “Travel
  1. Joannny says:

    It looks like a perfect place for relaxing.. looks good on having some fun in a place like that..

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