These girls look like trouble. Which means they look like a whole lotta fun.
Every day I check in with the news, just briefly, and I can’t help quickly scanning the latest disaster. Once in a while my scan pays off with a gem. Like this quote about the pilot that stood out in all the coverage of the Malaysia Airlines tragedy:
“…while Zaharie was involved with another woman, he was still devastated at his wife’s decision to move out of their family home…”
If that little scenario was the criterion for things going wrong, then the entire world would come to a standstill. Because things like that go on all the time. Every day.
And then:
The double standard of a cheater being upset because his wife (apparently) had had enough and was leaving. Come on, dude. Don’t Malaysians also have a saying about having your cake and eating it, too? If not, they certainly should have.
“You can’t have your sarang semut and eat it, too.” Has a nice ring to it.
And I can’t shake the thought of this debonair pilot having a hot affair that looked like a way lot of fun–because it’s true, trouble always begins as fun and this was trouble with a capital T Trouble–and then, somehow, his plane goes down and the whole sordid mess becomes speculation for the cause of an air disaster. He might have been worried about discovery, but I’ll bet this was one secret he never expected to come out in this particular way.
So, what IF the pilot’s state of mind weighed into this? How exactly would this accident have been preventable?
Not. Because people are human and subject to human emotion. It’s just not practical to examine every single pilot’s state of mind before every single flight.
Now, there’s talk that none of these things are true of the pilot’s life. Who knows?
There’s a story there, but we’ll never really know it.
Needless to say that fun is time when one hardly bother to mind anything else and gets involved in fun activities. In fact life needs some such fun and fun like affair woww it is a subject matter of risk and sometime the T of trouble stand tall and life of thousand and thousand days and nights vanishes in sea of troubles.
This plane search has me so frustrated. It is interesting though, reading some of the Malaysian news. They think our Military took the plane. Hmmm.
I’m not sure what has to happen before people realize that kind of fun never ends well.
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Needless to say that fun is time when one hardly bother to mind anything else and gets involved in fun activities. In fact life needs some such fun and fun like affair woww it is a subject matter of risk and sometime the T of trouble stand tall and life of thousand and thousand days and nights vanishes in sea of troubles.
This plane search has me so frustrated. It is interesting though, reading some of the Malaysian news. They think our Military took the plane. Hmmm.
I’m not sure what has to happen before people realize that kind of fun never ends well.
The whole issue is so disturbing. We will never know the truth.
Love the picture Carol, they definitely look like a fun group of girls! Hope your enjoying Sedonna!