One of the bloggers I read regularly has posted his upset about the latest news on the duct tape/heart sticker they found on little Caylee’s body. It’s not a normal subject for his blog, and I could read his unease and horror on every line. I share them.
I’ve tried really hard to avoid all the media craziness about this (and most things) these past months, and especially avoid that awful Nancy Grace, who has taken this on as her cause celebre, now that the Natalie Holloway thing has burned everyone out.
But I did see the story today about the heart. And it breaks mine.
This little girl’s face is so open and sweet. I can’t look at her photographs without tears. Her story is horrifying and heartrending. I can not even imagine this entire scenario.
The mother is clearly crazy. And never should have had a child. Motherhood is a privilege that some women don’t deserve.
I understand the anti-abortion argument, but I just can’t see why this little girl had to be born, just to suffer so much in her young life. It breaks my heart.
The reality is that in our world, many little children suffer from neglect and abuse. Physical. Psychological. It’s very troubling.
My sister was for many years a county caseworker and for a spell, was assigned to Child Protective Services. It was so disturbing that after just a few short months, she asked for a mental health transfer out, and I don’t blame her.
We don’t hear these stories out of other countries–did you know that we have something like quadruple the number of child murders of other developed nations? I wish I knew why.
Maybe we can all send a prayer up for the repose of little Caylee’s soul, and for an end to these kinds of horrific events. Be sweet to a little kid today, in her memory.
In fact, let’s be sweet to everyone, today, in her memory.
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