Making Valentine’s Day a true day of love

February 12, 2015



Remember what it felt like to NOT have a Valentine?

Thought so.

I’m starting a movement to make Valentine’s Day a true day of love..instead of a day for true love.

There IS a difference, you know.

And there’s plenty of time to MAKE a difference.

Interested?  I’ve got a post for you.

Come on over here to learn more, and let me know what you think!

Shares and comments appreciated!

5 comments on “Making Valentine’s Day a true day of love
  1. Mary says:

    Heading over right now!

  2. Carol,
    I’m so in. I was just thinking about this, About the people I know who have no ‘valentine’ and are ok with it, but wouldn’t a lovely surprise be nice too! Thanks this is a great post, that bears repeating every Valentine’s Day!

  3. Tammy says:

    Lovely and caring piece. Something I have done for years. Friends whose husbands have died still get a Valentine from me, along with birthday cards and a Xmas gift. It’s the very least I can do on behalf of the friends who are no longer here to do it.

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