Trusting divine guidance

December 19, 2010

You can’t live a life like mine without knowing that Divine Guidance is at work.

Of course, I’m often oblivious. Which means DG (or God) has to use a huge sledgehammer more often than not.

I’m working to become more attuned to the role DG plays in my life. When I am still for a while and actually meditate on my life, I see evidence of the Divine stepping in to guide me. {Ok, sometimes it’s more like a big shove.}

Sometimes it’s through others. I can think of something I was planning that people close to me did not agree with at all. Some were very vocal about it. Very. Others crossed their fingers and hoped for the best.

I stayed on that path a long time, ignoring the nudges that turned into shoves. Until DG set up something so big I couldn’t ignore it.

There is no other explanation.
Have you been aware of Divine Guidance in your life? Or do you think it’s all a bunch of nonsense?

The link below contains someone else’s take on it, what’s yours? Drop a comment on my blog.

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