Turning the calendar page

January 1, 2010

Well. The calendar page has been turned and here we are.

It’s the year of the dog, at least at our house. The trusty daily Kliban cat calendar a dear friend gave me last year has been replaced by a cute sleeping puppies calendar from M.

This is the sixth or seventh year another dear friend has given me a monthly Tampa calendar. I love the tradition and although she worried that I wouldn’t want it this year, I did and I do. I just discarded December 2009 and inserted January 2010.

I’ve got my new leather planner. And am holding that cute, artsy calendar I bought on Etsy for the new house.

A new year. A blank slate.

I’m not big on resolutions made just for the turn of the year. Better for me just to work on being a better person all year ’round.

So that’s the plan.

Wishing you all the best in 2010.

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