Unlocking the sticky doors of life

June 25, 2010

It’s one thing to listen to our friends
and it’s another to listen actively.

Like me, you probably have friends who accept everything you say as “information.”
You trade news and that’s about it.

But other friends actively listen
and do us the favor of reflecting our words
(and sometimes our life)
back at us.

The ability to help us achieve insight into ourselves is what makes a friendship deep, rather than superficial.

Not everyone is comfortable with that level of relationship.
I must admit that I don’t always like to hear it.
(although I totally love to do it for others, of course.)

But it’s always thought-provoking and usually helpful.

A few days ago, I wrote about a friend
who asked an incisive question.
He got me thinking about
the qualities I appreciate in my friends.

And, as with most thoughts and emotions,
there’s a Curly Girl card that
hits the nail right on the head.

So, thank you! to those very good friends
who care enough to take the time
to unlock those sticky doors
and let us into our own life.

They are treasures.

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