An open letter to hotels about their unsanitary practices

August 17, 2021

No-nos: that spread and those decorative pillows.

As an avid and frequent traveler, I have seen it all.

Well, maybe not “it all”. But enough to have pet peeves, especially about unsanitary practices.

And these days, sanitation is a big big issue for travelers. Even before Covid, though, unsanitary practices (and other things) made me cringe, and here are some of them:

Do not put germy “decorative” pillows on my bed. Pillows that are not changed out and sanitized between guests and that are tossed on the floor when you make the bed. Pillows like the ones in the photo.

I am not interested in a bedspread of any kind on my bed unless it’s cleaned between guests, which I know it will not be. Not even that little “partial” spread shown in the photo.

unsanitary practices

Not cute: unsanitary and wasteful

Do not make cute towel-flowers or towel-animals wearing the same gloves with which you’ve cleaned my toilet –and countless others.

Do not wash my glass or cup or coffee maker in the bathroom sink –and especially not with those same gloves. Take them away and sanitize in a dishwasher.

Do sanitize all remotes between guests.

Do not leave me someone else’s half-used toilet tissue roll–which happened to me at a 5 -star resort in Kauai that shall remain nameless.

Do be consistent servicing the room. For example, with the number of towels you replace. Do not give me one washcloth on Monday and four on Wednesday but none on Sunday.

I am not interested in sharing toiletry dispensers to save money or the environment. I know all that plastic for individual samples is wasteful but it’s also more sanitary. So find a better way.

(Thank you for replenishing those small toiletries, as I take every one and donate to the homeless or victims of fires.)

Those are some of my pet peeves about hotels and especially unsanitary practices. What would you add? Love to hear in the Comments section.

Also, a reminder that A Healing Spirit’s pretty healing tools–thoughtful gifts to anyone in treatment– are still available in my Etsy shop, here.

10 comments on “An open letter to hotels about their unsanitary practices
  1. Jane Carroll says:

    Such very good points. I haven’t traveled in a bit… but I have to agree I have seen all the things you mentioned. I hope, especially now, that changes are being made!

  2. I haven’t traveled in almost 2 years. Hoping to get back to it again soon.

  3. Laurie Stone says:

    All good points! How the world has changed.

  4. Yes, we haven’t traveled in several years, however, I always carry a can of Lysol to disinfect everything!

  5. Bobi says:

    I desperately miss traveling but I’m totally with you on the pre-pandemic hotel cleanliness issues and told my husband I’m not sure how I’m going to adapt to the “new normal” (have people finally stopped saying that?) knowing that the stakes are so much higher now. I agree with everything you mentioned and would add that renting rooms with filthy carpet and stained upholstered furniture is also a huge turnoff, as is the “free” buffet style breakfasts which we generally pass up (yogurt cups and fresh fruit being the exceptions.)

    • Yeah…I am especially grossed out at how poorly the drinkware is washed–no sanitizing. I agree about the awful carpet and furniture. We don’t stay in those kind of hotels anymore unless we can’t find a better pet friendly one if the dogs are with us. But even so. Just insufficient cleaning.

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