Vagina, angina, bone china

November 27, 2013

Let’s take a day’s break from India, shall we?  Another in the series, The Emperor Has No Clothes

Be part of the Great Wall of Vagina

Be part of the Great Wall of Vagina

Making the rounds of social media numerous times last month was an eight-minute video that’s been highly praised–“powerful” and “awesome”— in which young men at Connecticut college were asked “why are vaginas important to you?”

I kid you not.  “Why are vaginas important to you?”

Is that a trick question?

Do I need 100 college men to explain why they like vaginas?

Do I care?

The aim of the video (purportedly) is to inspire men to remember why vaginas are important so they would be less apt to commit crimes of sexual violence. Seriously? How likely is it that an offender will stop and think about why he likes vagina? He’s just going to help himself to some.

This is just silliness, frankly.

Here’s what I think. Any time we see something that uses the term “vagina” repeatedly, we act like it’s a set of Golden Tablets. I’m completely annoyed by the numbing number of times the word “vagina” is used today, as in the video. I mean, seriously? Just because we can say it, doesn’t mean we want to hear it giddily repeated 200 times.

By all means, love your vagina. Quietly.

And as far as this pointless video going viral? We’re just not using logic. It couldn’t possibly be effective at stopping sexual violence.

Please give me a break. In the case of this silly video, the Emperor really does have no clothes.

You can search online for it, I refuse to post it. It was eight minutes and 47 seconds I’ll never get back.

I found a blog post I did while back about calling a spade a spade. Or a vagina a vagina, HERE.

One comment on “Vagina, angina, bone china
  1. Hmm, the intent may have been good, but I, too doubt whether this exercise will truly minimize sexual predator crimes.

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