Vintage new year’s party

December 28, 2010

Cocktail parties disappeared about the time flower power took hold. But, for those of you too young to remember, there was a day when everyone got dressed up and went to a host’s home to get blotto on martinis, Manhattans and other cocktails of the 1950s and 1960s. You know, the ones we see Mad Men consuming every week.

Women in sheath dresses and heels, men in coat and tie — yes, people actually dressed like that to go to their friends’ parties.

These days, everything old is new, so if you’re hosting a New Year’s Eve party, why not serve vintage cocktails?

Did you know there was such thing? There is. Yes, I know, jello shots and appletinis are where it’s at today.

But it might be fun to go old-school for a change.

And you can find recipes for cocktails that go as far back as the 19th century on this aptly-named blog: Dec 10th

{You could also tell people to dress in their best Mad Men attire. Or this Chiquita Banana get-up. But unless you have really wild friends, I’m not sure that would work real well.}

2 comments on “Vintage new year’s party
  1. I Do Declare says:

    Oh, to live just for a while like Betty Draper….

  2. Oh, she just didn’t deserve Don. Or those cute kids! That’s what I think!

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