We Boomers are old enough to be considered vintage. Like this car, maybe? But we have some treats for you this week! My turn to host the weekly Boomer blogger round-up.
Watch out for “dark patterns” that trick you into paying for recurring charges for subscriptions and other products or services that you don’t want, warns Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Check out her article hereto see which well-known companies have run afoul of government agencies for their unlawful tricks.
The world around us is constantly changing. New apps, new restaurants, new technology, a new job, even new neighbors. It seems like every day, there is something new to learn, and yet we struggle with it. In her latest post, Jennifer of Unfold and Begin, asks why is it so hard to try new things.
Every so often we hear of some tragedy or misery that has befallen someone we know – a friend, a family member, an ex-colleague.As she gets older, Corinne shares how she sometimes has scary thoughts of something similar happening to her or her loved ones. In herpost, she shares how she deals with her fears.
A while back, Carol wrote about some of the Millennial hate that we Boomers occasionally get on our blogs. Rebecca Olkowski, with BabyBoomster.com saw a post recently where a young person wrote about the most annoying habits we have. Rebecca decided to respond to it in a more positive way.
Laurie recently had her annual eye exam, the least intrusive of all check-ups. (Yes, she ranks them). But even this once benign routine has turned high-tech and threatening. What used to be a quick look to see if she needed stronger contacts now involves a strange, whirring machine inspecting deep inside her retina. What used to be easy now has her biting her lip and sweatingas she watches the physician carefully scan each dot and spot on the x-ray.
Some parts of the universe may be experiencing the winter doldrums, but in Meryl Baer’s bubble, football Eagle-mania reigns. And that is not a bad thing, as she tells us in this week’s post Fly Eagles Fly.
Diane’s father was many things. Husband father, rancher, businessman, veterinarian. But as he aged, many of his fondest vocations had to be…curtailed. Searching for something to occupy his mind and heart–and hands–he began to make clocks. Clocks that were like a…poem.
I ran across the car in London in November. Glad you like our little group! I have something else to share in coming months with another Boomer cohort….
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
I love comments, so if something resonates with you in any way, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by–oh, and why not subscribe so you don’t miss a single post?
Great job Carol!
You guys did all the work, Meryl!!
Good work, Carol!
Cut and paste, girlfriend.
Thank you, Carol. That car is beautiful (as are all the boomers you’ve connected me to)!
I ran across the car in London in November. Glad you like our little group! I have something else to share in coming months with another Boomer cohort….