Walking the talk

September 1, 2010

It’s easy to talk the talk. But walking the talk is where the rubber really meets the road.

I see a lot of lip service paid to so-called religious values. And a lot of hatred spewed around in the name of God. Some of the meanest people I know attend religious services regularly. Are “Christians” — in quotes.

Lots of people talk the talk.

Not so many walk it.

Once in a great while, if you’re lucky, you meet someone who is the epitome of walking the talk.

Who lives the golden rule.

Who gives back.

Who epitomizes kindness and generosity.

Who pays it forward.

Who makes a huge impact on the lives of others and not only his or her “own” others.

Who is a role model for the rest of us.

I know a woman like this.

She has the stamina of an Energizer bunny, because there’s not a single thing she doesn’t do well. She is a wonderful wife and mother, and active with her kids even though she’s now an empty-nester. She’s a big sister in that formal program. She owns a business and is a rockin’ good professional. She teaches. She travels. And so much more.

And last week, she and her equally cool husband became legal guardians to a cool teenager who has had some serious disadvantages. They’re giving him a chance of a lifetime. And of course, they know they’ll get back from this experience even more than they give.

Some of you already know who I’m talkin’ about.
I’m not going to embarrass her by writing her name here.

I’m just going to say this:

Girlfriend, I can’t think of anyone who inspires me more than you. You make me think hard about whether I’m doing enough and what more I can do.

So, to everyone else today, I ask the same questions that I’ve asked myself:

In what personal ways are you making a contribution to the world? On a personal level?

What do you have that you can share with those who have less?

Is there a simple act of kindness you can do that would brighten someone’s day?

Can you give money to a worthy cause that’s struggling in this economic downturn? Volunteer to help?

Can you practice a random act of kindness?
Let someone go ahead of you in the grocery store.
Pay someone’s toll. Buy their coffee.
Drop a note in the mail or send email.

Can you right a wrong you may have done someone?

Make someone feel better?

All of us might ask ourselves “can we do more?”

Here’s why it’s important:

When we think globally and act locally, we change the world.

Oh, and girlfriend?

Rock on, sister. The world’s a better place with you in it.

2 comments on “Walking the talk
  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for sharing this with us! You are part of the change that the world needs. 🙂


  2. As are you, girlfriend. Especially with the daily dose of inspiration you give us on FB! But just how you live.

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