Beautiful, but this particular moment won’t come again.
“Most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for and attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities.” ~Dalai Lama
Boy, ain’t that the truth. I’ve always been a notorious control freak who likes things all wrapped up in neat little packages. Packages that I’ve wrapped, myself, of course.
My tendency is to want to construct the world the way I want it to be and there are times I think I can do that.
Other times, it just doesn’t work.
Letting go? It’s just not comfortable for me.
And yet, my logical brain knows that a lighter touch, a looser grip, is more comfortable.
I can’t control others, I can only control myself and my own reactions. So, if I’m going to be a control freak, maybe I should start with myself.
Making peace with the moment–the concept of letting things be–is a challenge. My tendency is want to make things better, improve them, change them, make them fit my idea of how they should be. I can be single-mindedly attached to outcome and as you might guess, it’s a frustrating path.
When I look at the rose in the photograph above, I appreciate its beauty and perfection, even as I know that these things will not last. The rose will go through its cycle of life and that moment will be lost, retained only in my memory or in the photograph. Everything changes. Nothing stays the same.
Equally true, though, is that other beauty is all around me, if I just take the time to notice it. To savor it in the moment of its perfection.
My intention this coming year is to let things go, let things be, appreciate and feel the joy in the moment. To be at peace.
To do that, I need to recognize that these are conscious choices. That I decide whether I feel the futility of trying to control things I can not, or if I let go and let be.
This is a skill mastered only with diligence and practice. It’s always my goal and as I mature in years, it is easier. My favorite mantra, the one I cling to, “”Let Go. Let God.” Helps me remember, change the things I can, accept the things I cannot.
Hi Carol,
My first time here after finding your blog on some G+ Community!
I love anything Zen related and love the Dalai’s Quotes!
As a Blogger myself and a Website Developer I struggle with
things out of my control and sometimes let those things anger me!
Learning to let go is the key and I am getting better at it!
Many thanks for sharing this post with us!
Will deffo be back.
Keep Blogging!
– Phillip
Carol, I too used to be the control freak who got really upset and stressed out all the time. I did learn (and it can be done) how to analyze things with 1)Is it going to benefit me? 2)Does it really matter and 3) If 1 and 2 are no, then let it roll off your shoulders. This worked for me believe it or not. You just have to train your mind that way and find what works for you. At this stage in my life, I am so much more relaxed. Some things still get me fired up but I revert to my method and breathe deeply. Hope you can find what you’re looking for.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
I love comments, so if something resonates with you in any way, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by–oh, and why not subscribe so you don’t miss a single post?
This is a skill mastered only with diligence and practice. It’s always my goal and as I mature in years, it is easier. My favorite mantra, the one I cling to, “”Let Go. Let God.” Helps me remember, change the things I can, accept the things I cannot.
Yes, for me it’s a goal. Working toward it…
A beautiful thought to start a beautiful weekend…thank you for this reminder to just…let be.
Sometimes it can be difficult, but it’s the way of peace.
Hi Carol,
My first time here after finding your blog on some G+ Community!
I love anything Zen related and love the Dalai’s Quotes!
As a Blogger myself and a Website Developer I struggle with
things out of my control and sometimes let those things anger me!
Learning to let go is the key and I am getting better at it!
Many thanks for sharing this post with us!
Will deffo be back.
Keep Blogging!
– Phillip
Hi, Phillip, welcome! I love the Dalai, too. Hey, stop by any time!
Will do Carol,
Btw have you thought about adding the commentluv plugin at all! I think a lot of your readers will appreciate it!
I will, thanks!
Lovely piece Carol… My favorite reminder in this regard:
Acceptance releases everything to be what it already is.
That’s a great reminder, you’re right. Love it.
Carol, I too used to be the control freak who got really upset and stressed out all the time. I did learn (and it can be done) how to analyze things with 1)Is it going to benefit me? 2)Does it really matter and 3) If 1 and 2 are no, then let it roll off your shoulders. This worked for me believe it or not. You just have to train your mind that way and find what works for you. At this stage in my life, I am so much more relaxed. Some things still get me fired up but I revert to my method and breathe deeply. Hope you can find what you’re looking for.
That breathe deeply thing has my name all over it!
Yoga has helped me with this, showing up on my mat each time and aiming to keep my consciousness on that mat during that hour.
A good reminder for me today, Carol. Thank you.
I think that’s the chief benefit of yoga! Thanks, Lori.