We dream

November 21, 2010
Ah, the femininity of white tulle and delicate silk flowers. The beautiful full skirt in this evocative photo could be part of a charming wedding dress or perhaps, a ballet skirt.

I haven’t been able to pull something like this off
since I was four years old.

Still, I believe {some small part of } even the toughest of broads pictures herself dancing gracefully in toe shoes and a delicate tulle skirt.

What do you secretly dream of?

2 comments on “We dream
  1. Anonymous says:

    This is brilliant and I have to agree with my own personal thoughts of ballet having the ability to reduce me from a six foot Amazon to a little girl in seconds flat! I loved my bright pink Barbie ballet box that I put my ballet clothes in with a side compartment for the shoes. To me ballet was a right of passage back in the day. Every girl should have experienced it. Going to ballet was like going to another world, the music, the teacher the discipline the beauty of the entire movement. To this day my true heart is that of a little ballerina and there are only about two or three people in the world who know me have figured this out!

    Keep up the good work.


  2. Your response made me smile, bigtime!

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