Many people like to give to those less fortunate at the holidays and all year around. They, like we, {and Bruce Springsteen} believe that we take care of our own. But maybe your budget doesn’t lend itself to big donations. Want some ideas?
I love the Target $1 bin and raid it often for coloring books, paint sets, crayons and little books. I have a bag of this kind of stuff ready to donate to kids in need. Even $2 can buy a cute little coloring book and crayon duo.
A few months ago I found a big sale on Tshirts at Target–under $4 for their Jerzee brand. I bought a bunch of long sleeved and they’re waiting to be donated to help keep the homeless warm. And we’re still buying to help the homeless get through the winter.
That idea is the direct result of watching a couple we hang out with deliver a big bag of warm sweatshirts to a group that serves the homeless last Christmas. Which is why I’m sharing this. So if you’re doing something to help others this Christmas, by all means, toot that horn and inspire someone else to do the same. You never know who might be watching.
Other stores have discounted merchandise that make buying in quantities affordable. For example, I found nice quality t-shirts at Walgreens for $4 and bought a variety of sizes. I’ve also bought warm lap blankets there: 3 for $10. And winter gloves for $2 a pair. (They’re all in a box in my garage, waiting for my trip to one of the organizations that serve those less fortunate.) Just wander around these stores: you might be surprised at what you can find on sale. I buy all year ’round, whenever I see a sale.
The holidays are also a good opportunity for kids to learn the gift of giving. Why not enlist your children or grandchildren in the quest to find little gifts for kids who are less fortunate? After all, they’re experts on what kids like!
Don’t have any cash? Raid your pantry for food you won’t use. And your closet for clothing that’s in good condition. Donate it. Either the piece or the money it brings the second-hand shop will help others in need.
As a blogger we get many items (and opportunities for items) to review and giveaway. I have one or two favorite charities. Sometimes I will review items with them in mind such that these items can be donated for silent auctions. Also, at this time of year, many of these organizations need MANPOWER. So get your kids in there to help with your supervision.
Great tips! I recently went to a Holiday gift drive for kids and their Mothers. Another one for a sock drive for homeless Veterans. Items can be bought inexpensively and you know they are well appreciated!
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As a blogger we get many items (and opportunities for items) to review and giveaway. I have one or two favorite charities. Sometimes I will review items with them in mind such that these items can be donated for silent auctions.
Also, at this time of year, many of these organizations need MANPOWER. So get your kids in there to help with your supervision.
Great tips! I recently went to a Holiday gift drive for kids and their Mothers. Another one for a sock drive for homeless Veterans. Items can be bought inexpensively and you know they are well appreciated!