Wear your plumage proudly + soar!

November 1, 2013

Credit to CurlyGirls Design for another brilliant piece.

This is the season for taking risks. For new beginnings.

Actually, every season’s appropriate for spreading our wings and flying.

Feathers are there–you look great…and most risks are easily handled.

All it takes, really, is some preparation.

Because from preparation? Comes CONFIDENCE.

That’s right.

We get our set of wings young, and then, it’s simply a matter of growing. Of being ready to take that step out.

So instead of worrying if you’ll really fly after taking that step, grab a full length mirror and take a look at that magnificent plumage.  It’s just crying out for a great accessory.

So slip one on–one that goes with those magnificent feathers– and take that first step.

What have you got to lose?

10 comments on “Wear your plumage proudly + soar!
  1. Love this Carol! I am wearing my feathers every day now!! have a great weekend!

  2. Susan Adcox says:

    I love the metaphor! (I hope you don’t mean really wearing feathers because they make me sneeze.)

  3. You know I love this! So many shoe options, too.

  4. b says:

    I remember when I was young and thought I could tell how old a woman was by how many “feathers” she had on her arms, ears and neck. Now that I am old…er, I understand that desire to add the feathers. Where does that come from?


  5. audreyvp says:

    It is great when someone, especially someone like you, reminds me that I can do anything I put my mind into! Thanks!

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