Wednesday Confessions

December 8, 2010

What born Catholic can resist a confessional?

I came across a blogger the other day who’s doing Wednesday Confessions. I love it. Of course, my blog is often one big confession, but Wednesday Confessions gives us all a chance to get something off our chests.

So to speak.

Here’s my confession: I’m secretly relieved that I don’t need to attend big holiday gatherings any more.

I look like an extrovert, but I’ve always disliked parties and large gatherings with a lot of people I don’t know. I much prefer one-on-one interactions, where more intimate conversations can take place. Or maybe a group of just a few. When you can really get to know someone. Do more than exchange demographic information.

Although most people think I’m an extrovert, you might say I’m more an extroverted introvert.

How about you? Enter the confessional, my child, and tell me all about it.

And other confessions can be found here, go see:

One comment on “Wednesday Confessions
  1. Kathryn says:

    Thanks for joining in and posting my link! I wasn’t able to get my post up yesterday so i did it today, Wednesday Confessions on a Thursday! lol So feel free to come over and post you post link in the linky so others can read your confession too! 🙂

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