Sometimes, zooming around town hither and yon, I see interesting things. Weird stuff. You probably do, too. The best thing about smartphones is that a camera is always at hand. So come along with me on my journey through freakishly fun stuff.
It’s never a good idea to sit on the coffee beans. I’m kind of amazed a sign is required. But then again, it’s Los Gatos, a town of a little too much entitlement. I should know; I lived there.
Super-realistic paintings sometimes give me the creeps. This one’s like trompe l’oeil. Hell, maybe that’s what it is. In any case, it feels like I can walk right into it. But I can’t.
On a car in a parking lot. This candidacy excited me more 6 years ago than it does now. She seems a little tone deaf these days. I believe she should have been president instead of Obama–more experience, more seasoned. He’s been a big loser in my book. But Hillary? I fear she might be old news, now and I’m a little worried Jeb could get a foothold. I lived in Florida during his governorship. Umm, don’t want another Bush in the Big House, although Jeb is the smarter of the two politician sons. He’s just not my cup of tea.
Our political system is still corrupt. As Gore Vidal famously said: “By the time a man gets to be presidential material, he’s been bought 10 times over.”
Speaking of Gore Vidal, don’t miss a the 2013 documentary about him, called Gore Vidal: The United States of Amnesia. Great writer, super-smart guy, incisive mind, says it like it is. He is missed and the documentary (Netflix) shows us why.
The brilliant Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D. signing a book for my nephew. Dr. Moody wrote the first book on near-death experiences, Life After Life, published in 1975. I read it then, having no idea that decades later, I would have chats with him two consecutive years. Brilliant, brilliant, guy. I recommend everything he’s written on life after life, and his memoir.
We pause for a word from our sponsor. That would be my husband, the charming and always erudite M. Sometimes, hubby is kind of hilarious. Here’s what he said the other day:
“Hey, have you looked at the bird feeder lately? It looks like you catered a party last night.”
And sure as shoot, it was almost empty. (The shrimp went first. Only kidding. It was bird feed, of course.)
And then, thanks to social media, I find other gems to share, like this one, which proves the necessity of the “space” bar. I would love for you to sit and ponder this for a minute. Or more.
It’s a fantasy, isn’t it? Gone are the days when I fantasize about men like my Hot Trainer. Now? I fantasize about this.
I want to bake right this minute. But I won’t. Instead, I’ll change the subject.
There were more dogs at the Los Gatos Apple store the other day than I have seen at any adoption booth.This was one. And another:
I couldn’t get a shot of the Weimaraner or of the small dog in a baby carriage. And there were more. NO one seemed allergic, either. The dog “show” did make the time pass more quickly as the “genius” nattered on about what was going on with my Imac. Seriously, I’ve never had as much time with tech support as I have with my Apple products in the past 10 years. No wonder they have a full-up Genius Bar every day. Oh, and I got my first Mac in the 1980s. So it’s not like I’m a stranger to the product line.
Today’s tech designers seem to think “if we CAN do it, we SHOULD do it.” That means all our devices are full of obscure, unnecessary capabilities that just junk up the works. “Let’s make it more complicated!” is the mantra, it seems. I’m not exactly ready for the Jitterbug, but I just don’t find most of this stuff as intuitive as Apple would have us believe.
I should end on a high note. So, this, on a famous shopping site, after seeing it on a blogger friend’s site. I had to share. I wish I could remember who posted it. Hollah and I’ll link to you. If you want to be associated with this banana sling. Hand-crocheted. Yeah, I know. If only we could all shave this close.
Funny stuff! Apropos of the broken “penis,” when I lived in Marblehead, Massachusetts years ago, there was a local grocery store named Penni’s Market. The name was in big red letters on the roof. Some (young, I presume) jokester would regularly climb up and remove one of the n’s; no sooner would it be replaced than it would disappear again. I just started calling it the penis store.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
I love comments, so if something resonates with you in any way, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by–oh, and why not subscribe so you don’t miss a single post?
Thanks for the laugh of the day, Carol. “The Pen is broken..”–priceless! Have a great day!
You had me cracking up with this one- great job!
Too funny, Carol – thanks for the laugh! (Though that last picture has me reaching for the eye bleach, LOL!)
This just made my evening! Hilarious ( I can’t stop laughing about the penis meme!!)
Funny stuff! Apropos of the broken “penis,” when I lived in Marblehead, Massachusetts years ago, there was a local grocery store named Penni’s Market. The name was in big red letters on the roof. Some (young, I presume) jokester would regularly climb up and remove one of the n’s; no sooner would it be replaced than it would disappear again. I just started calling it the penis store.