Buddha says “Tilt your head back and laugh at the sky”

August 11, 2014

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The Buddha sits in our back garden, presiding over the hummingbirds, butterflies, lizards and yes, even little Riley.

Buddha means awakened one or enlightened one. And although he lived some time between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE, the wisdom of the Buddha  is still a guiding light for so many of us.

Here are a few of my favorites:

You will not be punished FOR your anger; you will be punished BY your anger.

Three things can not be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.

However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?


well soul wtermk

And my very favorite:

When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.

34 comments on “Buddha says “Tilt your head back and laugh at the sky”
  1. Such a great feeling to just laugh with everything you’ve got.

  2. kim tackett says:

    I love the combination of Buddha and church hymns on your blog today Carol. It Is Well With My Soul is one of my favorites. I just went back and looked at the lyrics…I’m not sure why I like it so much, but I think it’s the refrain.

  3. Jacqueline says:

    Oh, I needed EVERY SINGLE ONE of these today! Thank you Carol! Why can’t you be my next door neighbor and bring me coffee and wisdom? – Jackie

  4. It is Well with My Soul is a personal favorite and was written after the author’s four daughters died in a ship accident. Thanks, Carol.

  5. Karen says:

    Thanks, Carol! Lovely post.

  6. Love everything about this but most of how it started my week!

  7. Amy Bovaird says:

    That Buddha reminds me of the one in Kamakura, Japan. It is a focal point of the area and is colossal in size and very famous. I loved the last saying because of the imagery. I love the sun! Buddha’s saying makes me feel like I have a few minutes to sit and relish the sun! Great post, Carol!

  8. Janie Emaus says:

    What other way is there to live?

  9. Lana says:

    Such wonderful words to start a busy week. Thanks Carol!

  10. Love that quote and try to tilt my head back and laugh at the sky as often as possible!

  11. Ruth Curran says:

    Great messages often come in the smallest packages!
    Someone taught (my mom? my grandmother?) when I was really young to raise my head and “bask in the glory” instead of bowing my head in prayer. I am grateful for that message now and will now add silent laughter to my ritual!

  12. I am having one of those days today! I think I am going outside to laugh at the sun! Thanks Carol, love these quotes!

  13. Lizzy says:

    Love! I am going to laugh at the sun today, too! I need to today…

  14. I love Buddha teachings and his quotes. What a lovely uplifting post. I often laugh at things, I try to laugh as often as possible, even when it looks a bit pear shaped. Lovely start to the week, thank you! Andrea (UBC)

  15. What a wonderful reminder of what’s really important. *walks away laughing*

  16. Perfect post for a Monday! Thank you!

  17. Haralee says:

    I’m laughing my way to enlightenment!

  18. Tilt your head back and laugh. All is not perfect these days, but I could do with a little laughter. Thanks!

  19. Barbara says:

    I love each and every one of these gems – as well as how beautiful the Buddha statue is in your yard.

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