What Boomer babies are thinking about today

April 28, 2019

Rebecca Olkowski with BabyBoomster.com was suffering from neck and shoulder tension from sitting at her computer and it was driving her nuts. She found some solutions to feel better she wanted to share in case you have a pain in the neck too. It can really be debilitating.

The political scene has always fascinated Meryl Baer of Six Decades and Counting. Although the 2020 election may drive the American public mad, Baer cannot completely block out the developing events, which will culminate in the 2020 Presidential election on November 3, 2020. She comments on the unfolding spectacle in A Coterie of Candidates: Countdown to the Presidential Election.

Rita R. Robison, consumer journalist, blogging at The Survive and Thrive Boomer Guide, writes about a survey on car insurance that shows about a quarter of Americans don’t understand their car insurance and prefer cheap insurance over the best insurance. Check out Robison’s article for a list of the cheapest car insurance companies, which states have the cheapest car insurance, and tips for buying car insurance.

Although Jennifer’s sister died four years ago, she recently found that readers were searching Unfold And Begin on ways to talk to their dying sister. She wrote some personal posts at the time, but not specifically aimed at what people should say. In her current post, What To Say When Your Sister is Dying, Jennifer offers some advice and talks about her experience with her sister and her mother-in-law, and links about to some additional advice from Hospice.

Tom of Sightings Over Sixty explores two seemingly different cultures in his post Going Home. In the New York culture, he observes, people leave home when they grow up, and they don’t come back. But in the Philadelphia culture, people never leave, or if they do, they return after they retire. So what do you think? Is your town a New York, or is it a Philadelphia?

Sometimes, you just have to step out of the traditional meal box, especially when you don’t feel well. Carol Cassara at A Healing Spirit shares a breakfast idea that helped with her healing not too long ago.

Hope you enjoyed this week’s diverse Boomer Baby offerings!

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