That nothing comes easy. There’s a sacrifice, big or small, for everything achieved in life, and sometimes we have to die to old ways in order to make room for the new.
That there’s always another chance. It may not be in the time frame we expect or in the way we wish, but second chances are always possible. That problems can be overcome. Christ overcame death. We aren’t going to be that lucky, but the things that plague us now can be overcome. If we want to take steps in that direction.
I watch people around me struggle every day, most of it completely unnecessary. Stubborn grips on old ways that never worked. Failure to face life’s realities. Constant complaining. Whining.
I’m not going to say there aren’t real problems around, because there are. Here’s one:
Thirty years ago someone I know was hit by a drunk driver. Her severe head injury caused partial blindness, loss of hearing and she’s been confined to a wheelchair.
And here’s the Easter surprise: even all these years later, she may be able to regain some of her abilities. A new doctor thinks recent advances might apply and has scheduled a new battery of sophisticated tests.
Nothing promised, but hope has been renewed. Imagine that: 30 years later and hope is still alive.
Like I said, not always in the time frame we expect.
I am inspired by her story. It reminds me that Easter is as good time as any to look squarely at the issues we face and take steps toward renewal, rebirth and creating a more positive, healthier life.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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